26歲女模肌膚鬆弛下垂像老人 背後原因讓人心疼

26歲女模肌膚鬆弛下垂像老人 背後原因讓人心疼
26歲女模肌膚鬆弛下垂像老人 背後原因讓人心疼(圖翻攝自ig/sarageurts)


現居於美國明尼蘇達州(英語:State of Minnesota)的26歲女子,莎拉•吉爾茨(Sara Geurts)患有罕見疾病「埃勒斯-當洛二氏綜合症(Ehlers-Danlos syndrome,EDS)」,也就是俗稱的「鬆皮症」。從她7歲開始,莎拉發現自己的皮膚異常,進入青春期狀況更糟,直到給醫生看後才知道原來是罹患罕見疾病。


May is Ehlers Danlos Awareness Month!!! With that said, every other day I am aiming to put out at least one picture, 'Fun Fact about EDS', or "tips on how to help raise awareness" in an effort to make this May month our biggest month yet! <3 On March 15th, The Ehlers Danlos 2017 International Classification Convention took place, where many advocates and individuals who suffer with EDS, were able to connect on the criteria for diagnosing multiple EDS types. This was the first convention that was held since 1997! This fact, among many others, opened my eyes to the lack of information, and resources, that are available to me and my fellow warriors. With my pictures below you can clearly see the discrepancies EDS has caused within my skin, & why I choose to model with my specific type, as a way to raise awareness for all forms of Ehlers Danlos. "Ehlers-Danlos syndromes are a group of connective tissue disorders that can be inherited and are varied both in how affect the body and in their genetic causes. They are generally characterized by joint hypermobility (joints that stretch further than normal), skin hyperextensibility (skin that can be stretched further than normal), and tissue fragility. The Ehlers-Danlos syndromes (EDS) are currently classified into thirteen sub-types. Each EDS sub-type has a set of clinical criteria that help guide diagnosis; a patient's physical signs and symptoms will be matched up to the major and minor criteria to identify the subtype that is the most complete fit." (http://ift.tt/2ogLi87) Id like to thank you all for your love and support, my determination and strength would not be what it is if it wasn't for all of you. <3 <3 <3 "Dazzle Together. We are stronger when we combine our stripes to dazzle." Dazzle : The collective noun for Zebras or a group or herd. #Ehlersdanlos #EDSawareness #Ehlersdanlossociety #dazzletogether #zebrastrong #ehlersdanlosawareness #ehlersdanlossyndrome #inmyskiniwin #effyourbeautystandards #raredisease #raising #awareness #loveyourbody #loveyourlines #selflove #happy #beyou #bebeautiful #blessed #inspire #embrace #nowrongway #bodypositive #bodylove #rare #flaws #beauty #inspire #real #model #wlyg

Sara Geurts(@sarageurts)分享的貼文 於 張貼

由於皮膚鬆弛,莎拉無法穿上性感緊身衣物,因會被衣服扯到而導致皮膚撕裂流血。皮膚急速衰老、與眾不同讓莎拉變得自卑,甚至不想與人接觸,直到22歲分手後,她決心要改變自己,並在社群網站上發布自己的照片,沒想到竟受到網友的好評,她才開始建立起自信心,而她的閨蜜布萊恩娜•伯格倫德(Briana Berglund)還鼓吹她成為模特兒,而閨蜜就擔任起攝影師,她們想讓這世界看見不一樣的美。

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